How You Can Afford a Home After All

How You Can Afford a Home After All

If you’ve looked into buying a home but have had to tell yourself it’s too expensive and it’s not going to happen, then I’m here to tell you that you’ve probably not tried everything. While a home is an incredibly expensive investment, there are lots of ways you can...
This is Why Your Money Situation Isn’t Getting Better

This is Why Your Money Situation Isn’t Getting Better

How long have you been struggling with money problems now? If you’re like most people then it will have more than once promised yourself that things would turn around at some point in the near future, only to find yourself still in the precise same position. In many...
How to Save for Your Mortgage and Enjoy Living Life

How to Save for Your Mortgage and Enjoy Living Life

Often when we’re saving for something big like a mortgage, we find ourselves forced to stop doing some of the other things that we love and to put life on ‘hold’. It’s too expensive to join a dance class, to buy the latest computer, to go on holiday and to save...